This apartment community has no potential! The first and most important issues which reek of failure lie with the owners who create the whole tone of One 51 Place. Simply put, they DO NOT CARE! If you are living in this community or have lived there, you know that I speak the truth. The Rath/Harper gang care very little about anything but their own greed. Daddy Rath relies on his spoiled rotten, dysfunctional adult children to run the show. Trust me, when I say that their level of expertise is ZERO at best. Employees are not at all important to these dreadful people. That fact is evident in the revolving door in the office. When employees work in a hostile work environment (which habitually exists), no one really cares and no one really does their respective jobs well. The residents are the ones who are adversely affected. The people, who are working in the office now, will probably be gone before you ever have a chance to know their names. Maintenance requests, noise complaints, etc. for the most part fall on deaf ears. It is a common occurrence to be told by the workers here when placing a complaint that if you don?t like something you are easily replaceable, there is a waiting list of people willing to take over your apartment, and that Fred Rath, Jr. could care less if you move out so don?t even bother going over their head to notify him of your complaint(s). I think that is a terrible attitude for representatives of a company to have and may be a major factor as to why there is always such a BIG turn over in residents living here and also why there are so many vacant apartments all the time around here. All anyone needs to do is walk or drive through the apartment grounds taking time to observe or stop and actually talk to residents already living here to learn the truth about this place, especially when the office is closed and the help has gone home! This place seems to have a really horrible method for screening applicants for their apartments too. It allows them to move in ANYONE with questionable backgrounds, whether it be financial or criminal. You may want to ask yourself if it isn?t your best bet to simply avoid ever moving in here, at all cost. IT IS NO PLACE TO CALL HOME!! The RENT here is too high and the STANDARDS are too low to maintain a well-rounded community at One 51 Place. I would move now but can't afford the PENALTIES these creeps impose. I have found there are many options available since beginning my search for a new place as my lease ends this summer.