Upon reading this review, I am utterly heartbroken. I don't know who you are ""holystud,"" but you have definitely strummed a chord on my heart. I pray that you hear me openly and in Love. I don't know what happened to you or what your story is, but I assure you that in your pain, you may not be seeing what is really there. I am a member of THE Church (the Bride of Christ) and also of North Catawba Baptist Church. What you have written here is false. I am not calling you a liar, just someone that is mistaken. Christ Jesus has settled in the hearts of those that attend this church as well as the community around it. Without fail, His love and instruction have lead a revolt against all that has ever been wrong inside of each of us. As a changed person through Christ and the work that He is doing at NCBC (especially through the Pastor and leadership), I assure you that the only Spirit here is God's. I love the people here and look forward to every second that I am privileged to spend here. We are not perfect........but He is. And He is what we are striving for. Please hear me in Love. Because He first loved us, we also can love. If you can forgive, I plead with you to do so. Because even if you are right in your pain, you are not right in your bitterness. ""Love covers a multitude of sins."" (1st Peter 4:8) I beg you to move on in Christ and live your life in love and freedom. Christ did not give His life for us to tear each other apart. He is building His kingdom through His Bride, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is using the people, pastor, hopes, dreams, skills, and community of North Catawba. I love you. Christ loves you.
Pros: Christ centered, clear vision, love, outreach, life
Cons: No one is perfect, but we are striving for Christ Jesus