Horrible spirit. Pastor like a false prophet..deceive many..especially those not grounded in the Word or doctrines of Christ..He has fooled many of the shallow people..easy followers.. they too shall fall. The Spirit of God departed when this demon came and brough with him his followers...this is known as deception and the Spirit of Ichabod..hath come on this place..meaning the Spirit of God hath departed. BEWARE this will tempt you, tease you, deceive and trick you..make you even think it's all wonderful and exciting..but itr is like a 3 ring circus, a FREAK SHOW, and those of of you that are shallow will follow a leader like this. Find a church that is stable, grounded, has good doctrine and not all emotionalism like this man is...
Pros: None..except for mayb e a few of the former members that aren't deceived by this man's (demon) leadership style
Cons: everything...evil inspired. raucious, rowdy, loud, offensive, emotionalism, biased, double tonged, liar