Unlike other reviews here, I'm not complaining because I didn't pay tolls on time, etc etc. I have a tolltag and a valid, active account that auto-draws needed funds from a valid credit card. I've had this account for almost 20 years (started it in Dallas on the North Tollway before moving to Austin). I've been here with it for 15 years now, valid and active the whole time. The issue I have had with MSB *THREE* times now is that I get a bill from them (with valid pics of my car/plate on a day/time when I did indeed use the tollway) saying I owe unpaid tolls (IMPOSSIBLE!, my NTTA/TxTag account is 100% up to date and has money sitting in it all the time from the auto-draw). They also slip in a little "Processing Fee" on the bill for themselves... and THAT IS THE POINT OF ALL THIS FOR THEM. I call them and ask WTH? Their answer "Oh, we show we were unable to collect from TxTag at that time, so we bill you directly". But since the issue was on their end due to some outage, they "waive the processing fee" and I just have to pay the tolls I would have anyway. Fine.. but... basically, because they have an outage on their end, they send out a bill hoping people will just pay it and not notice that MSB has tacked on a BS fee for nothing. I would understand if I let my account go delinquent or if my card tied to the account had expired. But no... if they can't get payment from TxTag due to their own issues they see an opportunity to charge the valid tolltag holder an unnecessary fee, hoping the payer just won't notice. Beware these TOTAL SCUMBAGS.