i had a vehicle stolen in 2007. i reported the car stolen 3 different times, cause the cops can't seem to find my reports. my car was seen on the toll road at least 27 times during the time period. i have over $1500 in outstanding toll tickets. they want a police report, but the cops can't find one, so i can't give them one. then my car was finally in an accident at the end of 2008, i got the tickets mailed to me for no tags,no inspection sticker, no proof of drivers license,no insurance. well since i didn't live at the address where my car was registered i didn't even know about any of this cause i wasn't driving, so i missed the court date and got a failure to appear ticket on top of that. then i got a default judgement against me for not showing up to court and also got sued by the other party involved in the accident . now i have close to $1,000 in surcharges i have to pay and the suspended my driver's license over this and i lost my job cause i live in the middle of nowhere and can't get to work. but they keep calling and harrassing me about money i owe them....what a bunch of crooks