We took our dog in for a growth on his ear. They found an ear infection and scheduled multiple visits for the ear infection before they would treat the growth. $350 later, we decided to go back to our old vet across town for a second opinion. As we suspected, Montgomery Village Animal Hospital could have treated the ear infection, and the growth simultaneously. The tumor grew three times it's original size and now, because of the lack of proper treatment, will lose a portion of his ear. MVAH quoted us $350 to take care of the ear infection, $1200 for the removal of the growth, and a potential of up to $1200 additional if they had to go back and remove the ear after biopsy. Our old vet is currently treating the remainder of the ear infection, gave us several options, is removing the growth, advised us that as soon as she is in, will determine if the ear needs to be removed. She is also cleaning his teeth and grooming him, all for $800. \r
Similar situation with my cat. When I took him