I just finished composing a lengthy letter of complain to Medi-Help detailing my husband's and my horrifying experiences. My husband had a facial infection, which the doctor told him he would culture. Despite being billed for it, the culture was not done. A week later another infection developed while we were out of town, and we sought treatment at an immediate care clinic where they diagnosed a resistant bacteria, which should have been caught by Medi-Help's culture. They treated with an antibiotic directed at resistant bacteria, and called us back a day later with the culture result - MRSA. When a THIRD infection developed, we foolishly went to Medi-Help, where the incompetent doctor thought nothing of it, despite the history of painful and embarrassing facial infections, and prescribed amoxicillin, WHICH MRSA IS ENTIRELY RESISTANT TO! Rather than wasting time and money on a drug useless to treating the problem, we made an appointment with a dermatologist who treated the series of infections aggressively, eliminating the problem entirely and quickly. Keep in mind MRSA is a very dangerous bacteria which could have been a lot worse, especially gone undiagnosed as it was at Medi-Help! We also didn't even get a referral from the doctor to a physician who would know how to treat this - we sought the dermatologist on our own!
During on of those appointments, my husband showed the doctor a mass of tissue that had begun growing in his groin. Demonstrating a lack of rudimentary diagnostic skills, the doctor said it was nothing. Recently, when this started causing my husband pain, our new PCP diagnosed a hernia! This could have been taken care of a LONG time ago, but is now causing my husband pain, and he's having surgery this week, at a horribly busy time for my with my job, instead of us being able to schedule it at our convenience had we known before the pain.
Billing is another problem - they waited NINE MONTHS to bill our insurance and are now demanding that we pay ADDITIONALLY for the incompetent ""treatment"" he received.
Incompetent, unacceptable, unprofessional, and uncaring.
Pros: We were attracted her due to hours
Cons: Incompetent doctors, untimely billing