I asked my aunt to get her husband's hearing checked, and she took him into the Roseville location. They have a promotion on nano hearing aids, and everyone incl. the hearing aid industry is using the term nanotech (it's the new tech buzzword often mis-used, miniturization is hardly the defining characteristic, though it's an outcome)... and she asked a simple question to the staff: what makes this a nano device? One lady answered triumphantly: it's DIGITAL! When told that hardly qualifies for the term nano, as all hearing aids with the exception of the old horns etc. are digital, and have been digital for decades, their expert came out and could not answer the question either, except to defend the receptionist that all nano devices are digital, and she did not have what it takes to provide the SIMPLE explanation of what made the device a nano device and worth all those thousands they are asking. I wouldn't trust this office to even know how to give a proper hearing test. A moneyed up lobby cannot buy intelligence or education or make a skilled audio-technologist.