Use to love it. Like the previous review stated, after a while their long time customers seem to become un-important . After being a long time customer, I too now expereince long delays and wait times 15-30 minutes almost everytime. I've never been worked in when I've called in other than my normal appt time , but when I go to my appts they are always behind because they've worked someone in. Also, their stylists never return your calls regarding hair issues. When their stylist goes to a new class or gets a promotion the cost is passed along to the cusomter which is usually every other month or so and it is high I didn't realize we had to pay for a person to keep current on their profession.
Sometimes you are treated well and other times you are not. They are not consistent with treatment and services. At one time, I guess when they were starting their business they really seem to be down to earth and care about their clients, now since their new "top 200 status " they seem to have changed their attitude. I think they need to remember that we are still a small community here in Brownsburg and try to remember some of those hometown values and treatment. People do talk. Use to look forward to going, now it's a toss up because you never know what attitude or service to expect from one time to the next. Sometimes I feel taken advantage of.
2009 Treatment of clients has really gotten worse over the past 9 months. You are 100% correct. They also act like they value their long time clients, but when you bring up an issue they just talk down to you and treat you like a child. Instead of just fixing an issue they argue about it and the client never wins. They also never answer their phone messages to fix issues. They always use the excuse that they didn't get the message. If you go back in to get a hair issue fixed, it's another 2 or 3 weeks before you are back on the schedule to get it fixed, then it's a rush job, if you are even lucky enough to get your regular stylist. Eventually, after a while, one just quits trying to give them 2nd, third, fourth, fifth chances and so on. I've heard that most of their staff has left recently to go elsewhere??? Sounds like it's just not the clients leaving in large quanitites. I have also found another salon in which they seem to really value their customers. No acts or excuses. Just a wonderful service.
Cons: Consistency and Treatment