Three years ago, my older child was an enigma- very smart, funny, creative, but also terrified of light fixtures, ceiling fans and bathroom faucets. She was defiant, loud, sometimes very aggressive, constantly talking, interrupting everyone. She had terrible tantrums when things did not go her way. Friends worried. Our family and pediatrician were certain it was simply a discipline problem. I knew my daughter had good reasons for the way she behaved. We searched in vain for practical help that would not entail medication or rewards and punishment as a first line of defense. There is no doubt in my mind that preschool anywhere other than LDC would have been a disaster. At Lucy Daniels, we found a group of experienced, insightful, incredibly dedicated professionals willing to take a very deep look at what was happening in the inner world of our child. Our daughter was treated as a real person with real feelings, a child crying out for help, not a ?spoiled brat.? The incredible teachers and clinical staff have worked closely with our family on a daily basis- we are a team working to support her and challenge her growth at the pace that is right for her. Our daughter is now finishing her last (of two) year in Lucy Daniel?s early intervention program. It wasn?t a quick fix and it hasn?t always been easy. We still have our struggles. She still has her quirks and probably always will but Lucy Daniels Center has given my daughter back her life and returned sanity to our family. Because of Lucy Daniels, our daughter has a fair chance at a truly happy, fulfilled, productive life. We are forever in their debt.
Pros: teachers with incredible patience, skill, and insight.
Cons: no classes after first grade!