I had two root canals done in order to have a new bridge made. The first was of some complexity and took a good deal of time & required considerable patience & skill on the dentist's part; the second was a bit easier but still required a good deal of skill.Dr Manrique could not have performed these procedures any better. He patiently and carefully explained each step, was extremely sensitive to the possibility I might experience any pain (such that, due to his efforts, I never did), and quietly exhibited such technical expertise that he inspired great confidence. He was very ably assisted by a dental assistant who was herself very knowledgeable and skilled. For procedures that are usually synonymous with pain and suffering and construed as a form of torture, I experienced none of what is typically expected. I cannot recommend both Dr Manrique and Dr Loza highly enough to do justice to their skill, compassion, and kindness and, in addition, I am also unable to do justice to how well the office is staffed and run; each member of the staff is friendly, helpful, and, above all, competent.