The reason why I started my program with Lady Fitness: first, I liked the location, and second, exercising at home wasn't working. I had a hard time motivating and challenging myself. It was easy to make up excuses not to work out. Being middle-aged, my doctor was concerned about my blood chemistry and wanted me to kick up my workouts a notch. I was diagnosed as prediabetic, which scared me.
My experience with Lady Fitness can be described as follows: I never worked with a personal trainer before, so I was ready to learn. The trainer pushed me more than I have ever been pushed! She said that if you are going to take the time to work out, then make your work out count. I thought that because I was getting older, I needed to take it easier so that I didn't hurt myself. Boy was I wrong. In fact, I couldn't believe what my body was capable of!
Now, I feel: great! I lost an inch off of my waist and hips. People have told me that I look ten years younger because my face looks thinner and glows. I am more motivated than ever to improve my health, especially as I enter menopause, which has its own challenges.