I brought my boys with me to a sale that had a lot of camping gear, so we could equip our Boy Scout troop. We spent an hour perusing the fare, then got a number and waited for our items to be called. We joined the buyers at the back of the crowd, talking with each other about what we would do with our new gear. \r
Suddenly, over the microphone, John demanded that the boys stop talking, or we would all have to leave. Many adults were walking the grounds, chatting amiably, but John did NOT like kids (non-customers) on site, and clearly viewed them as a distraction. \r
At several of his auctions, I've seen him demand that parents leave the auction. For some buyers, this is a relief. For me, as the parent, I was shocked. We left with no scout supplies, and instead bought them all at Harvest House Auctions.
Pros: Decent products
Cons: Not personable