I got to the Auction/Moving Sale in Frankfort on 3/20 about 10:45 and all household items were wrapped in plastic on driveway because of freezing rain/snow. Thought it was going to be a ""good"" auction after reading their ad in the newspaper. Article should have read ""OLD"" furniture, ""OLD"" household junk- most of the furniture was at least 30-40 years old- sitting in an old musty garage. Had no idea who was giving out the numbers- oh, that person was sitting in the warm house. I stayed for about 10 minutes, couldn't stand outside anymore in the freezing weather while they auctioned off 2 boxes of ""OLD"" board games for a $1.00. The poor lady should have rented a dumpster instead of paying Knudson auctions. The nicest thing I saw sitting on the table was a $45 dollar chainsaw! Biggest joke of an auction I have been to in the past 10 years!
Cons: Outside in snow, garbage not stuff, poor business