Soooo, I moved to Ogden and rented a condo from these guys starting May '10. I can't wait for my lease to be up. \r
Their biggest problems are a general incompetence regarding business and a cheapskate attitude that lets down both the tenant and the property owner. \r
My main complaints:\r
Their ""handymen"" are incompetent. Probably because they're not licensed in anything or trained at all. They're also rude, they don't identify them selves and snoop through your things. Example: When coming to winterize the house I found him in the upstairs closet ""looking for the sprinkler shut-off valve"". \r
I have had a plumbing problem for approximately 3 months. Water will occasionally come through the kitchen ceiling. They have stood me up 3 times (stating they would be there at X time and never showed up) and sent someone over 3 times. Twice to ""assess the situation"" and once to fix it. They brought three ""handymen"" who said to fix they would caulk around the bathtub overflow to fix the leak. I said fine, do that but the overflow is there for a reason so if theres a problem it's on you. The guys blew up at me, screamed at me and stormed out of the house. \r
They will also do maintenance while you're gone without telling you if it's outside. I don't like that at all. Thank god they lost the key to the condo.\r
I used to pay my rent on the 15th of the month prior. They would cash about the 17th to 20th, then send me a statement about the 28th stating it is the 1st of the next month and my rent is due. Basic bookkeeping skills don't exist with these guys. So, I started mailing my check the last day of the month so it would arrive on the 1st.\r
The level of incompetence and absurdity with these people is beyond parallel. I pay way to much rent to put up with this crap and am moving out the second my lease is up. I hope the poor sucker that actually owns my condo sues them for not fixing the leak. I would but I don't have time.\r
Bottom line:\r
Rent from someone else and don't let these guys manage your property.