After suffering a lifetime of chronic allergies and having exhausted all of the conventional routes, I turned to Dr. Christie Winkleman, at Insights to Health, in the fall of 2009.
Dr. Winkleman was very generous with her time and attention to me and soon got me on a course of action that involved many different modalities such as dietary modification, homeopathy, supplements and self-care treatments.
I was amazed at how fast I responded to the treatment. In fact, it exceeded my expectations. I thought that going the ""natural route"" would be long, arduous, self-sacrificing and that I would have to be very patient before I would notice a change. Within the first month, so many my symptoms were resolved and through this process over the next couple of months, I had nothing short of a total revelation about my health and how everything is interrelated. Now that I feel the way I do now (with abundant energy, no crippling fatigue and lethargy, and no more constant coughing over post-nasal drip) I can't believe that I spent so much of my life in such poor health. I am completely transformed. Most importantly, I have been doing great this spring - with hardly any allergy symptoms.
Insights to Health lives up to its name. This has been a very enlightening journey for me as I have finally gotten to the root of my health problems under Dr. Winkelman's care. I feel that my time and energy has been very well spent coming to Dr. Winkelman. She has provided me with so much education and direction and encouragement and thanks to her, I can keep up with my busy life instead of spending my days in an allergy-induced fog.
This past winter, I brought in my children for treatment, and I must add that Dr. Winkleman's care was extremely effective. Instead of the runny nose that usually lasts all winter, my four-year old's cold was gone within the week. I was also very impressed with Dr. Winkelman when she called to check in and see how my kids were doing after their visit.
Another courtesy I would like to mention is that Insights to Health will handle billing insurance on their patient's behalf and my provider has covered all of my visits and labwork.
Pros: Offers a real solution to chronic health problems
Cons: none