I have been in chronic pain for a number of years. Only Innercure has helped me through the dark days of my chronic pain and associated despresssion. I have had 3 back surgeries, 3 different pain management groups, 2 psychologists, and 1 psychologist, not to mention a who number of others medical care providers for pain and problems associated with my back pain.. .\r
Unlike most ofl the health care providers I have dealt with, Innercure really listend to me, treated me as a person, treated me with compassion, and showed a high level of professional capability. \r
Instead of telling me things that were impacting my pain and depression, Innercure TAUGHT me ways to help myself.\r
If you are open to ways to help make yourself better, I would highly recommend Innercure. Innercure is not some new age thing (which I am not into), but a way of taping into the strength and capabilities of the mind, which are not only a part of our body, but also have a direct impact on our body and ourselves.
Pros: The practioner, the atmosphere, and the treatment.