When I picked up my 2005 Honda Accord there was less than 1/2 tank of gas (a full tank was provided only with ""new"" car purchases). The next day I got first look at the car in daylight. That's when I saw my ""certified"" vehicle had no tread on the tires (would not pass state inspection). The same day, I look in the pouches behind the seat & find dozens of candy wrappers (with melted chocolate still there). Also found jewelry (ring) and other trash. Pulled down the back seat to get to trunk & found thousands of Xmas tree needles. I was also dismayed to find no key had been provided for the lug nuts, and had to buy this myself. When I received a survey from Howdy Honda, I described my concerns. Eventually, I received a call from sales manager Paul Wendell. I told him I didn't want anything from him, just wanted to let him know there were issues with the quality of their work. Mr. Wendell told me that he would ""do whatever it takes to make you happy"" and insisted they would provide new tires. He told me to get four tires from a local dealer, send him the invoice and he would reimburse me. I agreed. I went and got TWO new tires for the front wheels. In all honesty, while the back tires were worn, they still had enough tread. I also purchased the road hazard warranty. A week later I received a check that was $100 less than what I spent. Mr. Wendell told me that I was trying to ""take advantage"" of them by buying the hazard insurance and they would not pay for it. I obviously resented this personal attack - like I was trying to pull a fast one. I reminded him that if his staff had done the things they were supposed to have done in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation. He began raising his voice, and said he was not going to do anything more. Mr. Wendell failed to live up to his promise, lied to me, then insulted me. Anyone buying a car should AVOID going anywhere near Howdy Honda - they are rude, deceitful and sloppy in their quality control.
Pros: New Dealership
Cons: No quality control