My wife and I first went to Home Decor to put a Klick Klak set on Lay Away which they provide at no charge. We were told by the salesman that as long as we paid it off within a few months then there would be no problem of them having the set in stock or readily available. We made payments every few weeks and today went to pay the set off, only to find that they have none in stock and don't see any coming in the near future. Well, at this point im sort of upset, but I realize these types of things happen. So I asked the manager Kristine if we could just get our money back and she rudely explained that we couldn't. She said that we would have to pick something else from the store, since they didn't have the set we originally wanted. I don't see how we can be punished for them not keeping their end of the bargin. The salesman said that once you make the initial payment they put the set on hold for you. I see now that he was obviously lying. I just think it's unfair that we get punished because they give false information. Also, to be honest.....I wouldn't even have complained if the manager wasn't so rude. If she could have explained in a nicer tone why we couldn't get our money back, I could have excepted it a little better. She needs a lesson on how to treat customers. All in all, I feel this place ripped us off! Thanks for listening!