Not to be gloomy, but Hospice has a balanced view on life with the phrase, Every Day is a Gift. I work for Hernando-Pasco Hospice, which is now in Citrus County, Florida. With this philosophy, cleaning is not the priority of life. I grew up in a house where perfection especially in cleaning was a must. We had few visitors, hence, few friends who were allowed in. The cleaning after anyone who entered our home was immediate. A bit OCD, but what did I know, I was a little kid. Today, working for HP Hospice puts that balanced perspective into place. Not that clutter and a dirty house to the point of disease or critters emerging is correct, but that balance for time with the children and the aging parents. We don't know how much time we have with each other, so do take the time now. Tombstones and eulogies don't read, she had an immaculate house. Making a house a home is a gift you give your family.