I have been loving Grace's perfect prenatal massages for the past few weeks. I was having some truly gawdawful pain due to working too much, sleeping funky and growing a wee parasitic googoo life form for the past several months. The good folks in my own practice were all booked up and I couldn't wait another minute for a session when it finally came to a breaking point. So my husband searched around this cool local web site and found Grace.
Hooray! Happy nights are here again. I can sleep, I can walk, I can work.
I always laugh because each and every massage therapist who reviews on Citysearch seems to talk about how picky they are as clients. Really? Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that I am not picky. Now, I certainly I enjoy some therapists' work more than others. And I have been around the block enough times to recognize skill (or lack thereof) when I feel it. But I will generally let ANYONE massage me, at virtually any time. And unless it is a serious fluffy-buffy waste of my time and money, I will usually enjoy it on some level.
Long story short: Grace's work IS all that-- and a side of wakame salad. Her work with me has been marvelously effective, very technical deep tissue work but soothing enough to make me almost snooze once of twice. I plan on a visiting on a biweekly schedule now through B Day and I look forward to every session.