Dr. Hart IS THE BEST VET I HAVE EVER BEEN TO. AND BELIEVE ME I HAVE BEEN TO A FEW. I'm not saying there is not good vets out there, But when I found Dr. Hart it was a Godsend. Every one makes mistakes and things don't always go as the Animal Parent would like for them to go.....But that happens everywhere even if your a Millionaire,or want people to think you are, and think high end facilities and fees. make for a better Vet... NOT !!!... Been there done that..,Not the Millionaire part, but I am Ashamed to admit the other... Myself, Husband, Little Clancy and Zoe, finally found a Dr. who fits the Bill in Every Way...Dr Hart is up front with the needs and options you have,.Gets back to you with a follow up call... Returns Pages in an emergency..Will help you, the best she can over the phone if you cant get to the hospital or are out of town.... And the Fees... are the Fairest that I have come across in my lifetime dealing with Vets.. There is NOTHING that could make me Change VETS.