I will never use this company again. This company made false promises for a service they were supposed to provide for a friend's bachelorette party. Looks like, unless you are a business man or a bunch of guys, the girls have been getting crap for service. It's unfortunate. We scheduled for use of a ""party bus"" that was actually a van with blue lights and bench wrap around seats. They said they would have a cooler of ice for champagne, decorations (specifically said balloons, rose petals on the floor, etc... they offered), said they'd have music/ipod for the occasion etc and found 2 balloons., no cooler for our drinks, nothing. The driver said he just moved here, had no idea where he was going, the GPS didn't work right, the Ipod was his own music and had no random shuffle, was all one album, then had to stop at a light, look down, try to change a song... ended up having a better time with the radio! URGH, seriously, the only saving grace was that we were drinking and had friends who actually knew how to get around to give him better directions. Oh and be prepared for the driver to tell you he's looking for some""vanilla"" at the end of the night as well... women should be able to go out, have a good time and the one person that shouldn't be trying to take us literally home is the driver, we should feel safe that we will make it home in one condition and not be taken advantage of after drinking. This is why we hired a driver/limo company in the first place.
After asking for a reasonable discount for the issues and the fact they over promised and way under delivered, they charged us a $200 cleaning fee for having a condom wrapper on the seat... the driver saw us using them as balloons as a joke to actually decorate the van in a fun way, since their measly 2 balloons didn't quite do it. The owner said that he couldn't be sure it wasn't actually used and he now had to hire a cleaning company to ""disinfect"" the van. Seriously! Don't take your lack of actual business skills on paying customers. The van was clean when we left it, a wrapper is the least of your worries at this point.
If you decide to move forward with this company, I advise taking anything said or promised with a grain of salt and be prepared for them to look back at your contract to find something, anything, you could have done wrong to try to get more money out of you... after you have already overpaid for poor service and a van with some neon lights in it.