This is the first time that I've used a personal trainer and I'm pretty sure that I'm now spoiled. Rochelle always has a smile, an easy laugh, and a different workout each session. Routinely, she tells me about a study that she's recently read and how it applies to me or my family. Rochelle has surprised me, also, by noticing details about my activity level, physical idosyncrasies, etc. that I hadn't even noticed or recognized about myself until she mentioned them.
Her attention to detail, wholistic view of physical training, and detailed knowledge (including the desire to continue to learn) makes Rochelle a really good trainer, but because she's fun and truly enjoys what she does - that's what makes her a great trainer!
I'm stronger than I've been since I was a kid. I feel good. I kick my husband's butt when we ski. What else do you need?