I REALLY hope management is reading this or readers out there pass this on. I'm SICK and TIRED of how they keep constantly trying to rip me and other drivers with LIES and FALSE CLAIMS saying your car needs ""this and that"". I'd expect that run around from other repair garages, but NOT from a reputible car dealer. This past Winter 07, my car was acting sluggish and engine light kept coming on. So their suggestion (after 3 FAILED ATTEMPTS to fix the problem) was to keep the car over a week. So I did and when I got it back, things were ""missing"" (i.e. iPod, coins). I confronted the person in charge of my car and he ""claimed"" he didn't find anything. He also claimed that the problem was the same reason as all those other times, ""spark plug misfire"". What the F#$% does that mean? If you replaced the spark plug the 1st time, then it shouldn't ""misfire"" the 2nd or 3rd. I spent clost to $1000 to get it ""fixed"". This past weekend (9/8) I took it back for 75K. I SPECIFICALLY told them, please have it ready by 11:30 AM. They assured me the procedure would only take 2-2 1/2 hrs. I get a call at 11 and the guy gives me BS on how I needed this and that. I said no and I was picking up the car. He says it won't be ready by 1PM. I aruged that I TOLD him 1130 and I quickly rushed over. When I got there, he says they're just finishing up and it would be ready. 15 minutes past (11:45) and it's STILL not ready. 12PM passes and it's STILL not ready and I'm POed. 12:15 it's FINALLY ready, only now with the taillight bulb needing replacement. Being out of time, I snatched the papers, paid, and left FED UP!!! They didn't even fix the taillight, just handed me the bulb and said ""fix it yourself"". You call that customer service? It was the LAST STRAW making me wait and miss my appointment and trying to sell me more than what was needed. Heck, I don't even know if they even did ANY work on my car. There's NO WAY I'm coming back and YOU SHOULDN'T COME HERE EITHER!!!