GreenWay Home Services is not an ideal company for Nashville TN.They are dishonest and are thieves. I know because i worked for them.They ripped me off for over $3000.00 . The only way to get it is small claims court.Thats the same price as for legal help.And from what I heard from other employees im not the first.They also like to rip off customers by defacing and rigging a/c units.I mean how many customersactually know what the technician did.Also they violate EPA laws by allowing customers a/c units to leak so they can continue to collect upto $60.00 fee from customers after 30 days and A/c system starts to freeze up.I worked for Greenway for the entire summer of 2007 from 7:00am to at times1:00 AM but at least to10:30pm I have five kids, thats who they stole from. They did not even have a working recovery machine on site.This machine prevents freon from exscaping into the atomosphere.This hcfc gas takes 100 years to disolve in the atomospere and is a cause for global warming.I too was fired for theft that was setup by owners daughter who ran the Nashville based business and has no clue on hvac.I was also charged for damages to a ceiling that i feel thru in a 145 degree attic on a two man job.So much for their insurance.I was also charged for pre existing water damagein customers home.$500.00 for backing into an illegally parked vehicle that belong to Greenway.I had also heard they hire anyone rite off the streets,I thought they quick to hire me.Most companies at least have a knowledge test,drug test,background test,but if its going to cost Whitt Green way a penny you can forget about it .They claim to pay 40% comm.of jobs but in the end thell ripp you off buy not giving you your final paychecks
Pros: good pay
Cons: if you can get it