Our puppy ate a ball that was thrown into our yard that we had no idea was there. She was vomiting so we rushed her into the vet. Dr. Rizol saw us, she seemed very unsure of her knowledge and very new and inexperienced to the field. After the xrays, it was unclear if there were still pieces of the ball inside so we had decided to hospitalize her for a few hours and see if it passed; when the doctor was in the back, our dog threw up in the room, more of the ball. When Dr. Rizol came back in, she lifted her shoulders up, smiled at me and said, "Well, do you want me to do surgery..." Uhhh, that's what I was paying her for, to decide what's best for my dog's health. We again, decided to wait, and see, they kept her there for fluids and wanted to keep her overnight for "monitoring." Come to find, nobody would be there to monitor, she'd just be caged all night and if something went wrong, I'd be notified in the morning. I marched up there, much to the Dr.'s dismay, and picked up our