Last night my computer just stopped working. I usually leave it on and connected to the internet and have never seemed to have any problems. Today I took it to the closest repair company to me, Geek Squad and had them figure out what is wrong. I paid a $75.00 diagnosis and left it, feeling like it was in good hands. I got a call about 5 hours later and from someone from GeekK Squad telling me that my power supply had gone bad. I asked what it would cost to replace and he gave me a price of $99 for the power supply and another $50 for installation. I told him that I?d have to call him back in a few minutes after I spoke to the other bread winner in the house. I took that opportunity to call around and price out what other business? charged for the same procedure. One place I called, Secure Remote Support, quoted me $39 for the part and another $25 for the labor. That?s a savings of almost $100. I called Geek Squad back and asked if they price matched and was told that they did not. So I am picking up the computer later today and having Secure Remote Support take care of it tomorrow. It really does pay to shop around. Secureremotesupport-dot-com saved my day.