Acupuncture made easy with Lisa and Alex. I was a newbie to acupuncture, believing it to be just sticking needles into people, yet according to acupuncturists Alex Goldberg and Lisa Metzger of Garden Acupuncture, it’s much, much more. Acupuncture is an ancient art of restoring inner harmony by opening the energy channels within the human body. In other words, acupuncture removes the blockages to allow free-flowing of chi with those infamous needles :-)
Only acupuncture explained to me the root causes of the aliments I had. Acupuncture is ancient science both Lisa and Alex know and applied very well. They both offer a masculine and feminine (Yin& Yang) approach to TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine).
Never had acupuncture before? Don’t know where to start? Or who to go to? Well, I highly recommend Garden Acupuncture. Their rates are competitive and their services are fantastic. And don’t worry about the needles hurting. Lisa will be gentle with you, yet; most importantly note, the free flow of energy throughout your body offsets all initial pinching sensation (i.e. the pain). Besides, isn’t a little initial discomfort worth an ocean of relive from ailments? I think so – no I know so.
Oh and for Traditional Chinese Herbal remedies, Alex is your man. Garden Acupuncture is stack with Chinese herbal blends for your every need that compliments their acupuncture treatments. So, if you want to try Acupuncture and you're in the NYC area, check out Alex and Lisa of Garden Acupuncture.