User Rating: 2 out of 5 stars \r
10/11/2011 \r
I started practicing yoga and transcendental meditation in the early seventies. At the same time I attended a Christian church and there met my would be wife. In those days, the practice of yoga was considered the work of Satan by the Christians. As a result I became a closet yogi for fear of judgment and being ostracized from the church. The church finally won out and I quit my yoga practice and meditation in nineteen-seventy-nine.\r
Many years and injuries later I rediscovered yoga through my girlfriend's daughter who had been practicing hot yoga and I immediately fell in love with it all over again. \r
Yoga, has changed alot from the seventies, in that what was once a Hindu way of returning to God has now been infiltrated largely by Christian sects that have omitted much of yogas true meaning.... What most Christians seem not to know is that Jesus Christ even traveled to India, and studied under the guidance of the Masters, in both Hindu and Buddhist Temples, and was instructed in the Vedas and Upanishads. The real teachings of Christ have been perverted by the "" Church, both Catholic and Protestant "". Hinduism embraces all Paths to the Absolute, both Personal and Impersonal. Its sad to see things like Paramahansa Yoganda's picture being taken down in places where it was once honored and depictions of the third eye as such - in many studios, or never considered in the first place by the goading s of the Christian sects. It also grieves me to see people get their enthusiasm dampened or even get ostracized because of things like dress code as such - as if they were attending a catholic school. What will come next, hight, weight, age restrictions....? \r
One of the places I see and have felt these stereotypes is fusion hot yoga. And yet at the same time students are instructed to focus on their own practice? What is ment by this? Seems that the Christians have won out again in keeping me out of the fusion hot yoga studio.\r
live and let live....