First, the parking situation is nearly impossible, as in non-existent. Once you actually get into the office you're greeted by the worse excuse for customer service. Ever. If they are so miserable they should find new jobs and let people who genuinely like people and animals work the front desk. So after being accosted by the cashier I then got to wait in the mixed-pet waiting room for a very long time. The vet was very nice, but seemed to be in a very big hurry and didn't really spend too much time with us. I realize that we were there for some pretty routine treatment, but I went through quite a bit to make it into that room! ;). As far as cost goes, the prices seemed reasonable but like I said my services were routine (office visit, vaccinations, nail trim & neutering). Ultimately, after 2 visits I had had enough of the front room staff & and left for friendlier pastures.