I've been out with Fishing Headquarters about 10 times and each time has generally been an enjoyable experience. They offer several different types of fishing tours from their daily drift fishing, their sport fishing charter, an all day ""Dolphin Trip, group fishing charters and a Saturday night 7:30 PM to 1:30 AM 6 hour Anchor, which to my mind is the better of their selection. At $45 the 6 hour anchor tour is a bargain. The all day Dolphin (not the mammal Dolphin; the Mahi Mahi fish type Dolphin), however, can be bore because only so many can fish at one time, hence you have to operate in shifts and while on break there seems to always be a member of the group over indulging with the result being that you end up with one if not several of whom couldn't even come close to passing a sobriety test. Though I bring my own, they provide the poles, reels, hooks, bait and a deck hand always willing to assist in every imaginable fashion and under most every circumstance. Though I consider myself to be one of the more experienced, I find that that there is always something to learn and invariably pick up some valuable tips from their experienced crew. Better yet, when you dock and unload your catch, they clean it out and fillet it for you. I've been on a good number of such fishing tour experiences in a good number of locations, but for the price, particularly the 6 Hour Night Anchor, this is definitely one of the best; about as good as it gets for a mere $45.00.