Perry Tirotta of First Class Limousine is a theef and a liar. On more than one occasion he added an extra decimal point to our charge for car service resulting in my company being overcharged by $12,000!!!! This was not just an incorrect bill--it was actually charged to my boss' credit card. Perry did not return our calls or comply with our requests to refund the overcharge. One time I finally got Perry on the phone and he pretended to be someone else who, of course, knew nothing about the overcharge. When Perry finally did speak with me (as himself, not pretending to be someone else) he said the reason he hadn't done the refund was because his father-in-law was suffering from cancer. What? What the heck does that have to do with stealing money form people? We finally received a partial credit from First Class Limousine and they still have refused to return my calls inquiring when we'll get the rest of our credit. Then I found out he did the same thing to someone in one of my company's other locations. This was not a one time thing! Perry makes a habit of doing this? How many customers have been overcharged and didn't notice? FIRST CLASS LIMOUSINE AND PERRY TIROTTA ARE THEIVES!
Cons: they steal your money