January 2009: Just received the most botched job ever seen ? at the Factoria Mall Shoe Repair Shop ? on what should have been a very basic and simple procedure ? the installation of heel taps! Unfortunately, I entrusted two pairs of my favorite, everyday shoes to the ?cobbler? manning the shop who ground off ""the outside instead of the inside"" of my shoe heels before attaching heel taps with some shoe gum and a random spewing of staples from a power staple gun! And when I questioned him about his use of the staples instead of the customary shoe nails which are normally placed into the recessed holes of each tap (built into the design to protect flooring), he told me in rather broken English that he?d done a good job so I gathered that this was his standard operating procedure! What should also have been a relatively inexpensive procedure to level & prolong the heel life of my shoes will now require a much more complicated fix ? four partial heel replacements ? costing the original purchase price of one pair of these shoes plus the trips to another shoe repair up the road in Kirkland!