I was referred to Nancy by my mother who has your standard 1040 without any special stuff. I first went to her in 2005 for me and my husband's taxes along with the taxes for our S Corp. Ours are not the ""simple"" taxes, but definately not difficult for someone who claims she used to work for the IRS and knows all the ins and outs of taxes. I was satisfied with her guidance the first year and had not complaints so I kept going. 2006 taxes, there were several errors. Tried to get a hold of Nancy on a DAILY BASIS for a MONTH only to get her assistants tell me ""She's busy right now but she'll call you back."" No call back. So I resolved the issue with another tax accountant. 2007 taxes I made the mistake of going back again. This time I got pawned off on one of her lackies even though I SPECIFICALLY requested her help only (in my stupid naivette still trusting her). We her lackie completely messed up my taxes and had no idea what he was doing for California corps (because he's from out of state). I was out $6,000 that I'm DUE by the FTB and her lackie claims no amendments need be made. So my money's out there floating at the Franchise Tax Board and I once again have to go to someone else to get it all fixed. And the cherry on top, I'm being audited for the 2005 tax year. And probably will be for 2006 and 2007 I'm sure. I've called Nancy 4 times in the past two weeks asking for guidance on this audit and once again, no response. Note that it's end of July so Tax Season is far from over, and STILL can't get a hold of Nancy!! Once she or one of her so called ""tax specialists"" do your taxes and get you out that door, your no longer her problem. She's severely slacking on her clients. If you DO have simple taxes, your better off purchasing Tax Cut or Turbo Tax. At least then you know FOR SURE what's going in your taxes, and you'll save money, grief and avoid a future audit. DO NOT GO TO THIS PLACE IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN THE ""SIMPLE"" TAXES!!! YOU WILL GET AUDITED!!