We moved from Ma to Florida, and were told by Eagle they used experienced drivers, and all would go well with one of the pickup packing drivers on board for the delivery in Florida. The packing went well, with additional charges of $2,500 due to miscalculations by the sales agent. In FL the truck arrived OK, but the driver ( a young man with another young 20 yr old assistant) was unable to bring the truck next to the house. He stated the trees would scratch his moving van. I walked out to the highway with him, and discovered he was using a rented freight van. Apparently he was unable to manage a tight turn, or back the truck up. Rather, we were billed another $850.00 for a smaller truck he rented to unload, reload and deliver over the following two days We were scammed. In this neighborhood we see large 18 wheel moving vans, which is the advantage of having experienced drivers. As for our damaged furniture, notes were taken, but we have never again heard from Eagle. We choose poorly, so beware of false advertising.