If Dyer wants to send a letter to me from their lawyer, I say bring it on because there is no way they can defend their poor work. I was also pressured into a bigger project. I came in to repair a front chipped tooth and was pressured into six veneers because she said I had a fracture through my one front tooth and it couldn't be repaired, only veneered and then you have to do two so they match and then they would look funny with just the two so doing all six across the top is the only way to make it look good. They had me fill out paperwork for a loan and I have a loan for 8,000 for six veneers that look horrible. I had ordered what the dentist said was the lightest color (if you think cream coffee is light...I look like a smoker - don't smoke or drink coffee) and the worst part is they are larger than my original teeth so they are very tight and crowded and because of the crowding, they have shifted. One of my front teeth is up from the other, the line down the center of my two front teeth is now at an angle. She, the dentist, said they would not redo them because she had asked me the day they were attached when I was unhappy with the color and size if I was sure I wanted them attached. I was traveling extensively at the time and had flown in just to have these put on. The temporary had fallen apart before the veneers even came in, so I had been unable to smile for a few weeks. I told her I had no choice. After the swelling went down (I get terrible swelling from novocaine - and they used a lot) the teeth were putting pressure on my other teeth and felt very bad. I immediately contacted them telling them they are too big. Even if the color was perfect (which it isn't), the teeth are still too large and because they were so tight as I continued to bite down the pressure forced my veneers to adjust and whallah now I have caused my teeth to shift. I took my husband in with me because he didn't believe they would be so stubborn - he was paying for these after all - and he also thinks they look terrible - he couldn't believe how she refused based on the fact that she asked me if I was sure before they were attached. How do you know what they are going to be like in the end until the swelling goes down and you get to feel them when you are not completely numb? I made it clear to them that they are terrible, yet they do not care. I was going to have them trimmed down, but after they started to go sideways and jut up and out - trimming them down isn't going to help at all.