friends of mine whispered in my ear the jumbled phrase - dove vivi. after tracking the place down and learning how to pronounce the name - i then had to get over my east coast snobbery...i am a pizza purist, and I was totally skeptical of this california inspired cornmeal crust thing-and deep dish- well lets just leave that mush in the mid-west. BUT! this ""pizza"" is more than amazing. layer after layer of simple flavors sit atop a buttery, crisp cornmeal crust, my favorite corn, fontina and sausage simply changed my mind forever. the eggplant comes in close second with roasted bits melting into every bite. the adorable owners will talk your head off, but you'll actually like it - and the unmarked aluminum awning and clean sparse decor is a welcome relief from the overly garish pambiche building across the street. my recommendation would be to order a pie, get half and half- order corn, and one half off the special board, get a salad. the first few times i went i got talked into the green salad with broccoli and black beans, the marinated broccoli is hard to give up, but last time i went i got the caesar - a salad so done in this town it is almost boring. AGAIN! my mind was changed- a simple tart lemony dressing on a no frills pile of crisp lettuce was a perfect pairing with the pizza pie. You will only need one salad for you and a date- a table of 4 can finish off one pie and two salads easy. Other little gems - the cute labeled and light hawaiian beer, the roast chicken which comes with crispy roasted potatoes and a little bit of pesto for dipping- the outside tables, who knew sitting in a parking lot in a strip mall could be so lovely.
Pros: toppings, toppings, toppings, newness, great location, cornmeal crust, friendly