I bought a used vehicle 4 weeks ago, after ten miles of use I noticed an electrical issue that affect all electronics in the vehicle, I took the car the next day and the Sales person told me that the car have some remaining factory warranty and to take it to a Mercedes Benz dealer . At the Mercedes Benz dealer they could not find my vehicle VIN number in their database. After few hours I got a call from the service adviser and explained to me that this vehicle is a Grey market vehicle, which was not made for the USA market, it was sold originally overseas to another country. Now the main issue is that the USA part and coding for this vehicle are not the same. Part need to be ordered directly from Germany and could take 3 to 4 weeks to arrive, also the car have no remaining warranty. Now I explained all this to the sales person, floor manager and the general manager at Doral Lincoln and they just giving me the run around for the past month. I returned the car to their facility two weeks later after the purchased date, now they will received the car back but they will not do a full refund paid on the vehicle, leaving me with no car and no money yet, the amount offered to me is $2600 less than what I paid. Doral Lincoln statement is that they can’t lose money. Another vehicle was offered but adding the remaining not refunded balance. \r
The car is offered for sale again in their website and another third party websites for the same price I bought it\r
2008 ML350 Black\Black\r