Last yr I ran my cats head over in my drive way.I sent my husband to Dominion w/my cat to have her put down. There was nothing else to be done. Dominion did not put the cat down. Instead they insisted on seeing how it went.I authorized x-rays but nothing further. After keeping her a week and insisting she was getting better, they recommended I bring her home to see how it goes. I'm already guilt ridden and keep insisting that if it's her time, it's fine to let her go but they just kept saying let's see how she does, lets see how she does at home.I picked up a horribly disfigured cat. Very sad.Broken upper+lower jaw + eye socket.Her eye had fallen into her head. While I a'm still inquiring if this is a good idea, they hit me with a $2,400.00 bill. My cat looks worse than death and is absolutely miserable and I'm staring down a $2500 bill which I did not expect nor could afford. I was so tramatized I just lft the bill and took the cat. When I got the cat home, she could not eat nor