The case in which Judge Martin dismissed U.S. law in favor of Sharia law shows that Judge Martin should not be in the position he is in.
I am a devout Christian. I am also an American. Judge Martin is also an American, one who has served his country in the military. For that, I appreciate Judge Martin. However, somewhere along the way, Judge Martin has either lost his values as an American or has become so afraid of Islamic backlash that his ability to uphold the laws of the U.S. are skewed by his fear of those he is in charge of judging on U.S. law.
I don't pretend to understand atheists or why the victim of the assault by a Muslim man felt the need to be offensive to religions. By dressing up as zombie pope and zombie Mohamed, atheists felt the need to express their views that people of faith are zombies...ok, that I understand. I don't agree, but I understand.
However, this is the U.S. and not an Islamic nation. Judge Martin had no right to refer to the victim as looking like a doofus, who doesn't look like a doofus dressed up for Halloween? Judge Martin had no right telling the victim that had he dressed the way he did in an Islamic country that he would have been killed. This is the United States of America, not an Islamic country.
However, Judge Martin ruled as if he were ruling in an Islamic country. Judge Martin sent a clear message to American Muslims that it is alright for them to forcibly attack those they believe are being offensive to Islam. This is an attack on the First Amendment of the Constitution that Judge Martin is supposed to be devending and upholding.
In light of Judge Martin's either loss of American values or his cowardness in having to rule against Muslims when they commit a crime, Judge Martin clearly needs to be taken out of the legal system. At the very least, Mark Martin has no right being an U.S. judge.