Will not EVER take any dog there again! Long story short, I noticed my 3 year old Lab was not acting "normal" so I took her in. She spent the night, ran test, she began throwing up, ect, picked her up the next day, gave meds that they prescribed, she got worse. Saw Dr. Gaston and he made a snide comment saying "your dogs not going to die if that's what you think." Gave different meds, everytime expected to pay on the spot. Bill now exceeding $2500 and they are still playing with the meds ...try this and see if this works. Dog won't eat, drink, and remember, she's 3!! It's been 2 weeks and she has lost 20 pounds. I took her to Auburn University and within 30 min, they said she was in total renal failure!! She died 4 days later. Auburn performed an autopsy and she had a tumor in her pancreas. Now, was that hard to diagnose? BTW, Auburn told me to pay whatever I could a month...and guess what Dr. Gaston, my dog did die! HORRIBLE VET!!!!