So I decided to visit the Station on the overly advertised Thurs. night, (which is SUPPOSED to be country night). Sure they had country music playing and the waitresses were dressed up in their Country attire but nothing about that place screams Country. You have a security guard (who by the way is the size of Mighty Mouse!)Wearing a cowboy hat that is far too big for his small head?.talking & bragging about all the ladies that are falling over him?I personally think he is LYING!!!! The louder the music gets played the strong his fake accent gets. I was excited to get in and start dancin away, but once I walked in the door & saw most of the employees sitting at the bar stuffing their faces and looking anything but excitement quickly went away. I tried to make small talk with the employee sitting at the bar but it seemed that I was interrupting her ever so romantic dinner (long dark hair....terrible dresser?and no personality?I think I read her tag to say Katherine) She rolled her eyes and smiled at me as if some one was standing behind her with strings attached to each cheek pulling them back, forcing her to smile. It was pathetic. I decided to go back to the smoking room, thinking I would find some company to chat with. Instead I saw a guy who appeared to be part of security drooling all over some girl. Sick! I wouldn't have been to annoyed with the fella in the black cap and Security shirt that I saw in the smoking room but the drooling didn't stop there. He was so worried about this girl & what she was doing. It was as if he wasn't working at all. He looked like a lost puppy,or maybe his hat was pulled down so low he couldn't see, so the girl he followed around was like his guide dog. Ahhh ha! That's gotta be it! Another question?Why keep someone who is not doing their job? Good question to ask the owner about the managers.
Pros: I didn't have to pay to get in
Cons: This bar really is a joke.