I, too, was very disappointed with the care I received. My very first visit, I was kept waiting for over an hour, with no explanation or apology. I was scolded because a pre-existing condition was not noted in my chart, despite telling 2 doctors and 3 nurses about the condition. I raised concerns throughout my pregnancy (regular, timeable contractions at 33 weeks, pain, size of baby) and every concern was dismissed by whatever mildly annoyed doctor saw me that day. I ended up delivering a very large, premature baby, one day after I was told that I would not go into labor for at least 6 weeks. Dr Cloherty sighed heavily when asked such terrible questions as, ""Did I tear? How many stitches?"" and barely spoke to me during or after the delivery. All postpartum concerns were dismissed. Over a year later, I still have not healed, but I finally found a provider that LISTENS to me and ADDRESSES my concerns.