A truly great cigar shop is much more than an excellent stock of cigars at good prices. A great cigar shop is an experience, and that experience must include a friendly and expert staff, a comfortable and inviting environment, good conversation with a very diverse clientele, and most of all FUN. And that sums up Cigars on 6th! The proprietor, Dan, stocks some of the finest cigars in the world and his service and expertise is first rate. He also carefully created a space for enjoying that fine cigar that you just chose: light up, have a coffee, and enjoy the conversation with some of wittiest, most interesting people that you could ever run across. Even if you are not interested in conversation, you can relax and enjoy two flat-screen TVs, read the latest cigar-related magazine, or just people watch. Dan also plays host to many excellent cigar-related events that you won't want to miss. If you love fine cigars and good company, you owe it to yourself to drop by Cigars on 6th!
Pros: Selection, value, experience
Cons: Parking can get tricky at peak times