I raised my children in this church for many, many years. We voluneteered in every way we could. If those church doors were open, we were there! Now my oldest son, a military man, is getting married. It should be the happiest days of their lives. Six month of marriage classes and waiting for a required mentor.... nobody has time. No mentoring, no wedding. I beg of the pastors to help and the answer I get is, "It is not an easy thing to be approved to get married at Christ Fellowship." With only a month left we are scambling to find an alternative site in the middle of summer when everything is booked. My husband has told me for years that the church is too big to care. I digress. It is too big. If you want to be a drop of water in an unloving ocean, this church is for you. If you want to give of yourself to the Lord and ask for little in return, you will be disappointed to find that a little is too much to ask with Christ Fellowship. Keep looking... you will find a church who will honor God and be there for you if you need them. I greatful that I found this out before I died.... I would had been left in the street in a pine box, kicked aside to make room for more cars to park.