I attended this giant thingus in order to check it out theologically. You'd think that a "church" would preach the gospel (I know - I must be insane to believe that)! Very entertaining speaker. Great humor. Nice laughter and then an "Altar-call" with a message about a "Loving Jesus" & "accepting him as lord". Excuse me? No mention of WHAT HE DID and no call to REPENTANCE?!? I don't know what these people think the term "lord" means, but it's certainly not what the term "LORD" means. A nice, loving, accepting Jesus? Then what on earth did the real one mean when he said, "If anyone wants to follow me, -let him count the cost!" How inconvenient for "churches" like Christ Fellowship! One big happy CLUELESS UNREPENTANT IMPOTENT family. And Lucifer is LHAO...
Pros: Great Atmosphere & Entertaining
Cons: Wouldn't know the gospel if they read it somewhere...