Please Read carefully... this ordeal of a mom and two small child.... Office location showed here is not the right location. They changed their office location, never informed any patients or never updated on their website !!!!. Mom with two small childs got the appointment , mom took half day from work, (in this bad economy-job situation) picked up the kids from daycare and just drove around and around to find this office. Why? because this clinic changed their office location and never informed their patients. Mom keep calling on this office to find the location, never got a right direction. You know , mom frustrated and ultimately, force of her sick kids kept her going on.... ultimately after 1/2 hr, she found the office. You know, mom and crying childs got in to the office tired,frustrated and exhausted, and in addition to that mom was contacted by an unwelcoming front office rep, who knew her ordeal but was not ready to help her and then a smart lady who energized to help him not to take kids in to office and not to treat them the same day. Mom was up to edge, asked for Doctor to talk to them, you know Doctor Christopher Ayrs did the same thing, supported his staff not to consider mom's request. They all kept pushing mom to reschedule the appointment... mom was tough, she looked at sick kids and she thought I better get this kids checked.. i don't wanted to loose my other half day and drive 50 miles to come back to this office and ultimately mom won, when her two kids were checked by the same doctor.... But after what??? Do you like to go throught this same ordeal? I do not think so.... think twice before you sign up with this office, ultimately doctors may be different but staff is the same, where you have to go through them to get your child treated by the doctors....
Pros: Nothing... had hell for all appointments with them...
Cons: Rude, unwelcoming , hard hat , staff and doctors too