As suggested below, Chipman is too busy to spend time thinking about your pet. If you have a complication (thyroid disease, diabetes, or something else) wrong with your pet, then go somewhere else. We had a cat that was diagnosed by them as having thyroid disease. After several months of fighting infection along with treating him for hyperthyroid, he was diagnosed with cancer. If you look on the net, one of the first questions a vet should ask when diagnosing a thyroid condition is, "does this pet have cancer." The reason is because some cancers produce parathyroid and other hormones that can create thyroid disease and others. So, our cat died of undiagnosed cancer, which compromised his immune system and caused repeated infections. It is time for Lee's Summit veterinarians to start thinking more about the pets they are treating and less about money and politics. If you have a problem with your pet, take them to VSEC in OP KS. It is one of the only places in the KC area that ha