I saw Dr. Effron many many years ago for my cystic acne. She was very nice and spent time with you, but I do recall long waits at her office. Also, it seemed like every time I went to her office, I came home with more and more products to add to my regime. It got pretty ridiculous. Plus, I could never go out after an appointment. She was pretty aggressive with my acne. She would poke at a cyst with a needle to either aspirate it or inject it with steroids, which hurt a lot. After the torture, I would go home with a huge gauze bandage on my face. One time she even scarred me (a small deep pit). Just to clarify, my face isn't broken out all over the place, but I would get 2-3 painful cysts, and she never once talked about oral treatments. I eventually went to a different doctor. I think my skin was irritated from all the topical ointments she had me on, and the new doctor put me on an oral antibiotic which had the best results I had ever gotten.
Pros: She was very nice and spent time with you
Cons: Treatments for acne were not affective